2D Stamp
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With stamp layers, you can import custom height maps into World Creator and blend them seamlessly into your terrains. The following images showcase the effects of various level steps and the decreasing impact of erosion has on the higher levels.
If your stamp does not appear on the selected level step, it might be because the level step of your biomes is higher and is therefore overwriting your stamp.
In addition to the level step, you also have area settings that enable you to accurately place and blend your stamp with the existing terrain to enhance your final composition.
The last important feature of the stamp map is the ability to import color maps in addition to your height map. By default, the color map of a stamp is applied to every material. You can disable it by turning off the option Use Shape Layer Color in the material settings. Bear in mind that this setting will also affect all other shape layers, including MapTiler layers.
Height Map Allows you to load in a custom height map.
Set Height Range Allows the usage of a custom height range.
Color Map Can reference an accompanying color map for texturing.
Saturation Adjusts the saturation of the color map.
Contrast Adjusts the contrast of the color map.
Brightness Adjusts the brightness of the color map.
Flip X/Y Flips the stamp in the X or Y direction.
Create Sculpt Layer Converts the 2d Stamp layer into a sculpt layer for further design work.