

The Render settings allow you to tweak the viewport image and add reference objects for a better sense of scale.



  • Sun Angle Horizontal Moves the sun horizontally.

  • Sun Angle Vertical Moves the sun vertically.

  • Pick Sun Position Allows you to place the sun in the sky. Can be useful for matching the scene lighting to a custom HDRI.

  • Shadow Softness Makes the shadows caused by the sun softer.

  • Sun Strength The intensity of the sun.

  • Sky Strength The intensity of the sky. The sky acts as an ambient light, lighting areas not hit by the sun.

  • Max Light Bounces The number of bounces the sunlight can take in the scene. Ideally, this is >1.

  • Environment Map Enabled Allows you to add a custom HDRI to the scene.

  • Environment Map The referenced HDRI map and its strength.

  • Environment Lighting Enables HDRI lighting and allows you to change its strength.

Reference Object

You can set the position by hovering with the mouse cursor over the terrain while pressing M on your keyboard.

  • Enabled Adds a reference person at the 0,0 coordinates to the scene.

  • Scale The scale of the reference person in meters.

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