Filter Change


The Filter Change distribution makes a selection based on the effect a specified filter has on the terrain. This can be used to for example mask out the area affected by an erosion filter.


  • Filter References a filter to capture. You can simply drag a filter from your biomes filter list into this slot.

  • Level Step Strengths Allows you to select at which level steps you want to capture the changes made by the filter.

  • Normalize Levels Normalizes the strengths of all levels to the 0 to 1 range.

  • Combine Operation Applies different operations when capturing the mask. Max results in all points added to the terrain being filtered, while min only takes the lower points.

This is not a correct representation for measuring sediment added in erosion, since each step of an erosion simulation erodes and adds sediment to the calculation, which can lead to a heavily eroded piece of terrain with some light sedimentation on top, which would lead to only the large erosion being visible (while there's also sedimentation present).

  • Level Power Applies scaling to the different levels to scale their effect on the overall result.

  • Scaling Increases/Decreases the strength of the effect.


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