
How do I toggle the UI?

Press F3 to toggle the UI visibility.

How do I take a screenshot?

Press F11 to take a full screen screenshot, including the interface.

Press F12 to take a full screen screenshot without the interface.

Under Options / Application you may also activate "Screenshot Transparent Backgrounf" if you would like to savea fullscreen transparent background screenshot (make sure that the Ground Plate is turned off under Scene / Terrain).

Where are Screenshots stored?

Screenshots are stored in [USER]\Documents\World Creator\Screenshots folder. Within World Creator you may also press the Open Screenshot Folder button in the toolbar to open the Windows Explorer.

How do I import an existing height-map into World Creator?

Heightmaps are part of World Creator's shape layer system.

To load a height map, add a new Stamp Layer. You'll now see the Heightmap slot at the bottom of the Properties panel. On top of the height map, you can load a matching colormap in the slot below.

This is explained in more detail in the 2D Stamp article.

My Terrain isn't updating while changing values. What's wrong?

Make sure the Realtime Generator toggle in the toolbar is activated. Toolbar settings are saved between projects so you might have disabled it in a previous project by accident.

How can I sculpt in World Creator?

Simply add a Sculpt Layer which is part of the Shape Layers to your scene. For a complete overview of how Sculpt Layers work, see the Sculpt article.

How can I export my Terrain?

To export your terrain add an Export Layer to your terrain. This is where you define the individual layers you want to export. For a complete overview of how the Export Layer system works, see the Export section.

How can I add rivers to my terrain?

A full-fledged river system will be added in one of the next larger updates. To achieve a river in the current version you have the following two options:

  • Use the River Layer

  • Create a river using a Path

  • Sculpt a river (sculpting tools are explained in teh Sculpt article)

Can I import real world height data into World Creator?

Yes, you can. World Creator offers an implementation of satellite height data and color information from MapTiler. A complete guide on how to use the MapTiler Layer and set it up can be found in the MapTiler article.

What hotkeys are available in World Creator?

You can find a full list of all currently available Hotkeys at the end of the Viewport and Navigation article.

How do I adjust scaling of the user interface?

World Creators UI is completely scalable. You can adjust it with the Interface Scale paramater under Options / Applications.

The Blender bridge is not working.

The blender bridge depends on the external python module Pillow for image conversion, which can in some cases cause issues with the installation to which most major bugs can be traced back.

Fresh install

If you install a version of the bridge for the first time and it doesn't work after starting Blender a second time after activating the addon, look in the addons folder (".../AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/x.x/scripts/addons/") and check if you have a "modules" folder with "PIL" in it. If not, make sure you have a working internet connection and look at blender's output log (run blender.exe instead of blender-launcher.exe). Blender should be downloading a python package via pip.

Updated Blender Version

If you've upgraded to a new version of Blender and selected "Load x.x settings" in the initial screen of the new version after the first start, and you had the World Creator bridge installed in the other version of Blender, make sure you delete the "PIL" and "pillow...." folders in ".../AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/x.x/scripts/addons/" and reinstall the World Creator bridge, as the old bridge will be copied over when you transfer its settings, which can mess up Pillow.

If you've tried these steps and still have issues post it in the corresponding channel on the World Creator Discord Server or contact the support.

How do I select a custom export folder or location?

By default, World Creator exports its data to C:\users\documents\[USER]\World Creator\Export but you may also set a custom location under Export by checking the Use Custom Export Folder toggle.

Last updated

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